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Meet the Founder

Adrian Fleming, a native of Arizona, is a dedicated family man, grounded in his faith and committed to unraveling the truth amidst today's chaotic world. With a profound belief in integrity and honesty, he founded Principled Politics, a platform aimed at dissecting political, cultural, and religious issues. Throughout his journey, Adrian has remained guided by his values and principles. He understands the importance of fostering meaningful dialogue and seeks to bridge gaps in understanding through thoughtful discourse. At the core of his endeavors is his cherished marriage with his wife, Abigayle Fleming, a source of unwavering support and strength. Together, they navigate the complexities of modern life with resilience and determination. Adrian brings a professional and steadfast approach to his work, driven by a desire to promote justice, empathy, and respect in society. Through Principled Politics, he strives to contribute to a more safe and conservative future for all.

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