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Abortion: Modern Day Slavery

By: Adrian Fleming

May 19th, 2024

I have spent the past year taking time to study the Civil War. Learning about what led to the Civil War and the key figures during that time of American History. During this learning process, I found it most interesting to read the debates that took place between prominent figures during the Civil War. This led to me seeing stark similarities between the arguments that the supporters of slavery made in comparison to those of the modern-day pro-choicers. In this blog post, there are three main points I want to make to show the comparison between modern-day abortion and slavery. 

Point #1-  Dehumanization 

The leading cause for slavery or the main reason why slavery was perpetuated was the idea that certain subsets of humans are less human than others. The dehumanization of certain groups is something that has happened since the fall of man. This is a part of man's sinful nature, to think of ourselves as better than others even to the point of saying another person's life isn’t as valuable as our own. Abraham Lincoln challenged the idea of slavery with this quote “Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.” This hits at the heart of the issue of slavery and abortion. Just like with slavery, the pro-choicer refuses to see the baby as a human with the same value as themselves. I reject the idea that any human doesn’t know deep down that a baby is a human but rather they willingly suppress the truth with a lie (Romans 1:18). They are willing to call the baby a clump of cells but when someone else desires to take their life (when they are also just a clump of cells) they no longer have the same feelings about that argument. When we reject God’s view of life and equality of value, we go down the rabbit hole of depravity and dehumanize and abuse one another. Whether white, black, brown, Jewish, or Muslim all should agree that everyone inherently has value as a human made in the image of God. Therefore, whether born or unborn, the value of a human life doesn’t change. Value is given from God and no man can take that away. 

Point #2- Denial of Basic Rights

During the time of slavery, many began to convince themselves that the institution was a moral good and a benefit to society. This originated from a particular view of our founding documents that stood in direct opposition to basic human rights as declared by our founders.  A figure like John C. Calhoun was the embodiment and leader of these ideas. Calhoun was a political theorist, statesman, and eventually the vice president. He made this statement in regards to the issue of slavery during his days,   "I hold that in the present state of civilization, where two races of different origin, and distinguished by color, and other physical differences, as well as intellectual, are brought together, the relation now existing in the slaveholding States between the two, is, instead of an evil, a good—a positive good." This mindset was what allowed slavery to last in the South, as the people convinced themselves that certain people should be denied their human rights for the greater good. This same rotten idea has returned with the unborn, for the sake of convenience and to save women from the burden of a child, they have denied the unborn their basic right to life. The declaration lays the groundwork for the abolition of slavery and this is the same argument that Lincoln made during his presidency.  "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." This principle was the cornerstone upon which Lincoln sought to abolish slavery. The view that all men are created equal, and endowed with certain inalienable rights by their Creator. This view is what maintains men and their rights, however, we now live in an America that has denied its Creator and the God that established this country. When we deny the Declaration of Independence and the God that our documents point us towards we no longer have the protection of rights and individual liberty. This is why the unborn can be slain by the millions every year and it can be seen as a moral good. 

Point #3- Economic Exploitation

As I am writing this blog the abortion industry is estimated to have reached a total of 4.3 billion dollars in revenue. Slavery at its peak was estimated to have reached 3 billion dollars in value. If this claim stands true then that means that abortion has surpassed the economic threshold previously set by slavery. At the core of the reason for slavery was the economic benefit to the slaveholders. The South has formulated an Aristocracy, in which the few privileged and wealthy ruled through their influence and power. If there was no money to be found in the practice of slavery there is no doubt that it wouldn’t have been fought for and sustained how it was. The love of money is the root of all evil and with abortion, it is no different. Although the institutions and abortion facilities claim to offer diverse services and truly care for the women that they victimize. Just as masters claimed that they had the best interest of their slaves in mind because they wouldn’t be able to survive without them. They do not care about these women, they do not have their best interests in mind. The only thing they have in mind is how to take advantage of these poor women who find themselves in difficult circumstances. They take their money from them to kill their babies and permanently scar these women. Once again the point should be made that these women are seen as dollar bills and not as humans, their babies are not seen as having value except for the value in dollars that the companies profit from. So just as slaves were once seen in this same light, the unborn have taken their place to become victims of an Aristocracy where the private few benefit from their death. 


The abolitionists of the past did not accept the status quo of their culture; they fought tirelessly for the rights of the oppressed. Today, we must take inspiration from their courage and commitment. We must advocate for the rights of the unborn, support women facing unplanned pregnancies, and work towards a society that values every human life.

In conclusion, the fight against abortion is a fight against a modern form of slavery. It is a fight for the most basic human right—the right to life. By drawing these parallels, we can better understand the moral imperative to protect the unborn and create a society that upholds the dignity of all its members.